• Saiful Hikam Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung
Keywords: Keywords: boron, broad-sense heritability, heterosis, genetic variability, rice breeding.




Brown-kernel rice had better nutritive values than white-kernel rice due to its lower glycemic value. Although the total area and production of brown-kernel rice were much lower than those of the white-kernel, the brown-kernel rice was an importance rice line to develop. The study accomplished to test the brown-kernel rice hybrids to their white-kernel parental lines. Three F3 hybrid lines H1, H2, and H3 were tested versus their consecutive female-parental lines FP1, FP2, and FP3. The parental lines were inbred lines having brown kernels. The hybrids were developed by crossing the female-parental lines having brown-kernels with a male-parental line having white-kernel. Boron was applied at 20 ppm versus 0 ppm to find out whether boron improved the over-all plant performances. The study was done in February – May 2019 at the Lampung State Polytechnics Research Field in South Lampung District using Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The result indicated the presence of heterosis that the hybrid lines produced higher than their parental lines and boron improved the vegetative and yield variables. Genetic variability and broad-sense heritability existed in all variables but only the plant height was an unbiased estimate. The other variables were biased by hybrid x boron interaction.  

Keywords: boron, broad-sense heritability, heterosis, genetic variability, rice breeding.


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